Friday 2 October 2015

On being indifferent.

Hi, netizens. So how has 2015 been treating everyone? I hope things have been going well for everyone.

So on to today's topic, being indifferent. Throughout my short life so far on this earth, I've been told by people around me, on numerous occasions, that I just don't care enough about things or that I come off very aloof at first. Well, all of that, i have to say, is true. That's not to say that i'm completely void of emotion, i still do care about things that i think are of value and will warm up to people (no matter how eventually) if we were to ever be friends.

Okay, so me being, for the most part, indifferent. The thing is, people have to understand that, things don't mean as much as they seem to. What i mean is, the things you think matter, only do, because you imbued it with the power to matter. We make the thing matter when, in most circumstances, it doesn't. I, had just not given things the power to matter as much as they do to others. When you start doing this, you'll realise that you'll have less cognitive clutter, by which i mean anxiety and worry, in addition to seeing things for what they really are.

For example, how many of you are scared of doing badly or even failing a test/exam? I'm sure many of you are. But anyone who has gotten a bad grade/failed will tell you that in hindsight, the bad grade/failure didn't really matter. I'm not telling you not to try, or do badly just cos it didn't really matter, what i'm saying is if you concentrate too much on the possibility that you might fail, it only hinders your ability to do well, giving you test/exam anxiety which studies have proven actually does affect your test/exam scores (google it).

That's all for now, so to conclude this post, stop giving so many fucks as the internet would say.


P.S. yes i know i've been gone for a really long time --not that anyone cares-- but i'll try to post more often, no promises though.

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