Sunday 30 November 2014

I judge people; label me what you will.

Greetings to whoever may be reading this! 

So being my first actual blog-type post, i thought i'd start with something that everyone deals with on a daily basis; Judgement. I confess that I do judge people a lot, like extensively. Okay, before you make assumptions, i'm not judging you based on outer-appearance only, i'm judging you more on your behaviour and actions, just want to get that out of the way. I don't think judging people is a bad thing all the time, but you cannot base your whole idea of that person on that one time you judged them.

The reason I judge people is to know what is the most appropriate behaviour if I ever were to interact with that person. It helps me categorise you into subsets of social archetypes so I don't accidentally offend you. You'd be surprise at what you're able to know from just looking at someone for a minute. From the way someone dresses to the way they behave and to the way they talk, gives you quite a bit of insight as to where are they in life. Also, other than all of these social reasons, it is just fun. It hones one's observational skills, it helps you notice the small details about the person and fleshes them out more completely. This is why I sometimes people watch. Not to sound creepy or anything but it really does train one's observational and analytical skill.

But no matter how observant you are, all your judgements are still subjected to change upon interaction. Your judgements do not define the person you are judging, it only gives you a gist of what they are all about. It is definitely not definite!

Just to end off, I hereby absolve you from all the guilt you feel when judging someone, unless you base your entire impression of the person based on it. And for all you people who claim that you never judge, YOU ARE ALL LIARS! Studies have shown that you have already filed them into different categories, the split second you meet someone, which is technically judging.

S/N: I'll be posting more of these blog-y posts, more so than poems or things like that, but once in a while, when i feel inspired i'll probably go back to writing them.
